Once the Authorized Signatory has submitted the electronic application via SAFE, the employee is required to make an appointment on Access DFW website for fingerprints. Two forms of ID are always required when visiting Access DFW for fingerprints and badges. IDs must be unexpired, readable and in good condition.
Once the employee visits Access DFW, Trusted Agents proceed with fingerprints, and the employee’s background check is submitted for processing. Employees will not be allowed to complete trainings or receive the DFW Airport ID Badge on this visit. After the background check clears (this may take several days), the employee will receive an email with instructions to complete the security trainings virtual. After all trainings are completed, the employee can make another appointment to pick up the Airport ID badge; two forms of ID are also required when picking up the badge.
Appointments are recommended, but not mandatory as walk ins are also accepted.
No. For validation purposes, Access DFW can only accept original forms of ID.
Click on this link to see the required documents: Form I-9 Acceptable Documents
Most common accepted documents include:
U.S Citizens
- U.S Passport
- State issued ID or Driver’s License and one of the following:
- Social Security Card
- Original birth certificate (copies and hospital certificates are not accepted)
U.S Citizens born outside of U.S
- U.S Passport
- State issued ID or Driver’s License and the following two IDs:
- Social Security Card
- Certificate of Naturalization (if this certificate is not presented, the Alien number must be provided)
Non-U.S Citizens
- Permanent Resident Card
- Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766) with photo
- State issued ID or US Driver’s License and:
- Employment Authorization letter (I-797C Document) issued by Department of Homeland Security along with your EAD Card
The length of time needed for background check varies for each person. Background check for applicants born in United States usually take 2 to 5 business days. Background check for applicants born outside of US usually take 14 to 30 days.
The applicant will receive an email with the required training link and instructions. Once the applicant completes all required trainings, an appointment can be made to pick up the Airport’s ID badge. Two forms of ID are required on this visit as well.
Please ensure your badge is unexpired, and if expired make sure you renew it within 30 days from badge expiration date. If your badge is not expired and not working properly, contact your Authorized Signatory to check if the access on your badge was added correctly based on company, badge type and job title. If the badge doesn’t work after checking on these requirements, please visit Access DFW to get the badge replaced. Please bring your badge and two forms of ID.
Badges can be renewed 60 days prior to the badge’s expiration date. Trainings are required for every renewal, and the badge must be updated to Renewal status by the Authorized Signatory before the applicant can proceed with trainings and badge renewal.
Your Authorized Signatory must submit a Special Access Request form to specialaccess@lqqqhuanbao.com
Please contact your Authorized Signatory, Access DFW (972)-973-5100 or the IOC immediately (972)-973-3112 to report the lost badge. Once your Authorized Signatory updates your application, please visit Access DFW to get the badge replaced. Lost badges fees apply, and two forms of ID are required. If your badge was stolen and you have a Police Report that states that the badge was stolen, please bring it to Access DFW with your two forms of ID.
An individual can only be escorted for a maximum of 14 calendar days within a one calendar year (Calendar Year: January to December). Please review the Escort requirements on our website under Badge Procedures section.
Employees can have a maximum of 2 DFW Airport ID badges.